This command will search for primary key 'mykey' in dataset 'demo_dataset'. Data corresponding to the primary key will be shown in the result , all the keys received from database will start with “lookup_”.
How to use this command
LOOKUP command is for node level operations. It can be used in any node as an instruction, except for the root node.
It should not be used on the Arrows.
Let's take an example: LOOKUP 'weekly_diesel_price' 'eia_gov'
Here, 'eia_gov' is the primary key, and 'weekly_diesel_price' is the name of the dataset, and the command would return all the columns of respective primary key.
If you had a tree variable "$key" which was previously initialized to "eia_gov", the above command could also have been LOOKUP 'weekly_diesel_price' $key
- LOOKUP 'demo_dataset' 'mykey'
- LOOKUP 'holiday_premium_pricing' $holiday_pickup_lookup_key
- LOOKUP 'weekly_diesel_price' 'eia_gov'