SPLITBYTOKEN is used to split the given string into an array of strings by separating it into substrings using a specified separator provided in
the argument. If the separator is not present in the given string, or if it is omitted, then the entire string becomes a single array
element. Please note that separator cannot be a variable name.
How to use this command
SPLITBYTOKEN command is for node level operations. It can be used in any
node as an instruction, except for the root node. It should not be used
on the Arrows.
Let's take an example : Let's take an example: SPLITBYTOKEN ' ' $src_str $result_list
here, Let's say "$src_str" has the value "Oh brave new world that has such people in it"
The output of the above command is going to be stored in $result_list. The value of $result_list is going to be
: ["Oh" , "brave" , "new" , "world" , "that" , "has" , "such" , "people" , "in" , "it"]
SPLITBYTOKEN "," $holiday_dates_string $holiday_dates_list
SPLITBYTOKEN ',' $no_bid_origin_states $no_bid_origin_states_list